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November 07, 2004


Julie Adair

Hi there

Can I clarify that the Islands project (aka Island-Blogging - www.bbc.co.uk/islandblogging) was not built around a news service? It was integrated into the sites we produce in BBC Scotland for the different parts of the country (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/whereilive/). What happened, though, was that some of the stories the islanders shared on their blogs ended up BEING news in and of themselves.

If anyone's interested in more detail, do email me and I'll let you a see a copy of the report we wrote on the project.



Colin from Bklyn

I blogged doggedly for three years after 9-11, when I was working as a freelance journalist and translator. Now that I have a full-time gig (managing editor of a trade weekly), I find I have less time, and that work mostly satisfies the itch that had me blogging regularly, with the added incentive of dental-to-mental and a regular paycheck. I also find myself much less interested nowadays in blogging-about-blogging in favor of trying to locate communities of interest at the peripheries of my professional life: Brazilians obsessed with the British Invasion, autodidactic scholars of classical rhetoric, and the like. And increasingly, I find that blogging on my own domain is a much less efficient and satisfying way of starting up conversations with people in those communities than frequenting listservs and social networks and forums. The problem with blogging is how to get read by people who actually share your quirky interests. It actually makes a lot more sense to go to the night club hosting a special night for, say, California-Brooklyn transplants interested in Paolo Freire, than hosting it in your own apartment, stapling flyers to telephone poles, and sitting there alone in your party dress. ...

marnie webb

I chose for the podcast session. Not for the rock star quotient. Rather, because that's a technology I'm still very trying to find a purpose for. I'd hoped the session would help with that.

I think that one of the big challenges of adoption will be in showing the leveraged benefit. There are toolsets -- not just the blog management tools but things like faganfinder.com/urlinfo -- that make it possible to capitalize on the viral, trade-able components of a weblog. When combined with a strategy of widely distributed content -- in the way that Elizabeth Edwards did while campaigning or that the above commenter (commentor?) mentions -- it seems like there are some very, very powerful possibilities.

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