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November 15, 2004



Count me in too !


Great idea, how can I help? Propably a wiki-like beginner's manual and/or adopt-a-blogger might work :)
So experienced bloggers could help others with advice, or help them set up their blogs.

David Weinberger

Maybe it'd be appropriate to have a bloggercorps blog. Unfortunately, bloggercorps.com/org are being squatted.


Good idea.
Fortunately, I know the person who has those domans and he's on our side, ready to help.


Blogs and wikis have loomed large in all of my activism for the last three or four years. To abstract it one level and have a tech-squad that supports activists by introducing and supporting these tools seems like a big challenge in coalition building. Would there be three squads -- left-tech, right-tech, and center-tech? No, I think embedded blogging is the way to go, and we each have to find our own assignment by folowing what's in our heart.


Whereas I think blogging for organizations is a good thing, and any online communication for non-profits is a good thing, most blogs aren't exactly a bastion of good web design (and in this sense, I'm not thinking of only visuals, moreso I'm talking in regards to the other important factors). Let's hope these groups continue to seek professional help in regards to the rest of their sites. Blogs are great on their own for individuals, for organizations, they have greater needs. So, to be positive, this effort needs to be only a part of a bigger effort.

Jon Lebkowsky

I'm on board, and I suggest that the Activist Technology group (http://activist-tech.org) might provide a good 'home' for the project. I set up an email list for discussion, [email protected]. To join, send a blank email to blogcorps-subscribe at activist-tech.org.

Ruby Sinreich

Great idea, Rebecca. I've been basically doing this very thing one-org-at-a-time for several years. First by setting up websites for nonprofits, and now by advocating furiously for their use of blogs.

When I talk to community-based and state-based NPOs we often come up with some potential uses for blogs that I've never seen done before. For example, a statewide gun control network could use it to publish the first-person stories of people affected by violence all across North Carolina. This would empower the writers to tell their community' stories, show others they're not alone, demonstrate the power of collective voices, and serve as a lobbying tool to push for legislative change.

This is just an example of how the creative implementation of blogs can help organizations and create positive social change.

Also we are hernessing the power of blogs for social change at the local level (where you can really make a difference) at OrangePolitics.org

marnie webb

This is a terrific idea. Looking forward to hearing the next iterations of this.

We can probably use TechSoup.org as a way to reach some of the nonprofit audience this corp would be aimed at.


Gary Chapman and Lodis Rhodes at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin have been exploring applications for technologies for social good with their grad students for several years. You should check out their website - http://www.communitynetworking.org/ - for background papers and links to other folks doing similar work. I'm glad to see more interest in this area - thanks for getting the conversation started.

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