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January 01, 2005



Well, this is why we love you. (Mind you, I'm dying to know how expertise can ever "get in the way" of anything, but I suspect that's a story for a different day.) Anyway, happy Year of the Cock!

Ejovi Nuwere

Are you into young black men? If so I think I can arrange something. ;-)

This is going to be a great year for you.


Is that your expertise getting in the way, or are you just pleased to see me? E-mail on the way. xx


Is that your expertise getting in the way, or are you just pleased to see me? E-mail on the way. xx


It was wonderful to see you at Christmas! I only regret not spending more time....I hope to see more of you in the new year, and good times to come!

Cheers and warmest!


We miss those excellent reportings from Asia that you brought to us while at CNN. But the writings posted on your site that you have done are even better. I wonder if you thought about doing a book based on your years in Asia since you write so well. As you stated, you personally witnessed some of the most significant historical events that happened in those parts of the world, and you obviously have a quite unique perspective to all this. I believe Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn wrote a great book when they got back from their assignment in Asia.

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