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January 17, 2005


Jeff Jarvis

I don't know whether there can be another Murdoch. But I do say there can be another William Randolph Hearst. This is the first time in generations that a journalist and a student can think like entrepreneurs.

Deirdre' Straughan

I just finished an MBA with the UK's Open University. My last course was on marketing and, to my great shock, it barely mentioned the Internet in terms of websites or email, let alone blogs. So I guess I'm not surprised that blogs are not on HBS' radar. For the schools, until some big-name business professor publishes a paper on a phenomenon, it doesn't exist. If the b-schools don't find some way to speed up this study-and-report process, they will becomine increasingly irrelevant to actual business practice, and will not be producing any modern-day Murdochs.

Josh Narins

I think Heart, Pulitzer, Murdoch and Turner are very rare people indeed.

My great respect for Pulitzer and Turner, and loathing of Murdoch and Hearst, don't speak to the fact that they were/are all very intelligent and quite lucky.

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