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March 19, 2005



Too late now but, for prevention rather than cure, Vitamin C and Zinc all through winter. Works for me...

Nancy White

Here's a cup of chicken soup sympathy for you. I've got it too. SXSW foo? I add some hot pepper to the soup for the sinuses, plus some herbal remedies. I find them far more effective than western cold meds, which usually give me horrible bounce back effects.

Oh, and hot steamy showers for the head stuffiness and three pillows to sleep.

Lisa Williams

Sounds like the chinese remedy has something in common with...chicken soup. And how can that be wrong?

Really, there's not much you can do about a cold; you can treat the symptoms and make yourself more comfortable. Soup seems like a good start.

Myself I like a nice soupcon of Sudafed, an excuse to have as many cough drops as I like, and lying down on the couch watching old movies.

For some reason it always makes me feel more sick to hang around in my pajamas (bad, bad blogger! Pajamas good!). A hot shower and fresh clothes give an even more dramatic uplift than usual when I'm sick.


Funny, I noticed I'm coming down with something today. I do the serious 姜汤 treatment myself, with as much ginger as I can stand, offset by liberal amounts of brown sugar. That's for Day 1, when I feel symptoms coming on. 板蓝根 still seems to have some efficacy at that stage. I've licked the last four rhinoviral assaults that way. After that I break out with the chicken soup, 鸡蛋羹, and symtom-suppressants like Contac or 感冒热冲击. Many folks I know swear by raw garlic, but I have my dignity to think about.

Kevin Hayden

Just get well soon, Rebecca. By any measure, the flu sucks.


Equal parts Lapsang Souchong tea and whiskey, usually bourbon. I have no idea if it makes my cold go away any faster, but I certainly enjoy being sick more.

Rebecca MacKinnon

So far, the Chocolate Cure wins the prize... I just ate 2 large chocolate cookies and suddenly my head cleared and I started getting work done for the first time all weekend!


There's a particular Chinese tea that we call "magic tea" in this household -- it comes in little paper-wrapped bricks, each the right size for a pot of tea -- and drinking a whole pot of it is usually helpful. Alas, because I've lost what little Chinese I once had, I can't read the label, so I don't know what's in it. Black tea, ginger, ginseng, and about a dozen other things? Well, anyway, drink lots of tea, because regardless of what's in it, the hot fluids can only help.


I had a nasty flu earlier this month and went to the acupuncture university clinic near my house - I was amazed at how quickly I recovered with their help! After the interns treated me with needles, the doctor came in and squeezed my head a few places to eliminate congestion, then pinched my thumb and pinkie and I felt the pain in my throat subside right on the spot! If you can duck out and see an acupuncturist, I'd recommend it over any other remedy - and no side effects! Feel better soon!

Guns and Butter

Halls Defense Multi-Blend Vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc Supplement Drops AND

Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete Care Tea.

Sorry, both are "Western." But they work for me like magic. I either do not get a cold or a flu OR the duration and symptoms of one are such that they are entirely tolerable.

The key seems to be the combination of echinacea with zinc, perhaps also with vitamin c.

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