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April 19, 2005



Workers strike - and blog - in China
On this Monday, Chinese workers (mainly women from poor provinces) are on strike again at a factory in Southern China run by Uniden , a Japanese manufacturer that supplies Walmart with mobile phones.Since the last time on strike it is less than half a year. Why are they on strike again and again? The strikers still have a blog and they are working in a great bad environment. But the board chairman of Uniden took to the staff a notice with a insult and menacing attitude.The chinese staff are very angry and on strike again.

As usual, the Chinese media has not covered the story. But the striking workers are using the blog and bulletin board posts to get the news out. Reports say they've also been using SMS text messaging to organize.

According to the NYT, in order to earn a basic monthly salary of about $58, the young women employed by Uniden's Shenzhen factory are required to work 12-hour days, but including the payed time is only 10.5 hours. And now they are no overtime pay so the totle salary is less than that before the last strike.

Markus Barca

National Geographic Magazine had also made a note of the use of the American flag as a fashion accessory in the May 2004 issue.

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