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April 10, 2005


Pierre Andersson

Connectivity should be fine in Vientiane (adsl) and existing but slow in Luang Prabang. At least it was about a year ago! Good luck and have fun!

Matt Waters

Vietnam's internet cafes are hit or miss. Luckily, if you miss, there are thousands of other places to try out pretty close by. I think in many ways, the internet's development has a head-start in places like China and Vietnam in terms of technology and affordability.


this is a worthwhile read for a good cause



Rebecca, I'm compiling a list of blogs in Vietnam. Take a look here:


Enjoy your trip. Look forward to seeing this joint through your eyes.


Hi Rebecca,
I'm from Vietnam and now I'm studying in Korea. I just watched the conversation between you and Mr. Tuan throught the Vietnamnet website. Thank you very much for your interesting discussion. I'm looking forward to your new blogs about your experience in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city.
With best wishes.

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