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June 16, 2005


laurence haughton

I been following the Google, Microsoft, Cisco etc. China story through the blogs.
It's "must" reading and "must" commenting for every armchair pundit and professional blog scribbler.
Here's my initial take:

When I was young and I used to sing along with Roger Daltry on the radio ("I hope I die before I get old... talkin' 'bout my generation,") I wasn't worried about wrinkles.

I was promising myself I would never become a craven opportunist, a sellout, a silent majority CreeP (as in Committee to Re-elect the President) like the man in the grey flannel suit.

Tell me why the youthful versions of the folks at Microsoft, Cisco, Google etc. wouldn't be up in arms at what their mature selves have agreed to with the Chinese Government. I want to understand it and believe in them.


Hi The "great firewall of china " and censorship is a real pain in the butt. I am a chinese language student and would like to practice my chinese, therefore I have no choice but use to msn spaces. I wish there was a way I could avoid using msn spaces, but still have my friends in china to read and reply to my blogs.


I am Shah. I have grown a strong attachment to Chinese these days.
How long can it go? That i don't know but it COULD die out if you
gals and guys don't respond positively.
I am MA Eng and dream about becoming an MA Chinese. I love
travelling, blogging, learning mandarin etc. I can teach you
English (only if you need it). I have a good collection of
amazing files. And astonishingly, i want visa on each and
every empty page of my Passport. I love humanity for the
sake of humanity. I can't bear to see some one with tears
in the eyes. I feel too much about those who need food,
clothes and shelter. Education has been a driving force
so for for me. Sympathy, guidance and love are the things,
i think all the human race is in dire need of which. I want
to share my thoughts with those who know how to hear someone
and who are eager to become good neighbours in the global village.
I hate lies. Cheating is No.1 crime in my book of morals and my
school of ethics. A human being with cheat should not be called
a son of man. He is coward and worse than the very name of hate.
Chinese is my favorite language. I love chinese songs. Chinese
are trutworthy people and they are full of unstained loveful
emotions. Please respond tome positively at:
farhad (UNDERSCORE)alishah(AT)yahoo(DOT)com.
Wishing you best of luck for now and always.
IT IS SHAH.....................
the chinese language lover and admirer.
How can i say good bye in chinese??????

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