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September 20, 2005


Charlie Evett

If we're not careful, the Chinese will be exporting their political ideas to us, in the coming years. As China's growth continues to run ahead of the U.S., I expect business leaders will begin to see the virtues of free-market authoritarianism. Especially when they return to the U.S. after being "molded" by the Chinese.

This is one reason I think it's important to push for reforms in China, because if we aren't moving in that direction, then flow of ideas will run the other way. When you don't stand for the rights of all, you will eventually lose your own.


Angry Chinese Blogger has something you may find of interest. Time Warner claims to have backed out of its AOL China venture rather than submit to CCP censorship demands, which - if true - I think deserves a bit of praise:

According to Chief Executive Officer Parsons, it was AOL-Time Warner who pulled out of the partnership with Legend in 2001 after authorities in Beijing made a series of unreasonable demands on the company in regards its joint Internet venture with Legend;
“[We were concerned about] what we would look like here in the U.S. if we agreed to a governmentally imposed regime where words like democracy had to be blocked" - Richard Parsons, Chief Executive, Time Warner


Sorry about that, the link is here

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