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January 05, 2006



Rebecca,thanks for your close attention to china esp. the freedom of speech ,and it's my pleasure to have your referring to my comment which is too rough. here I just give a correction:the blogger of "a letter to Anti" you referred above is ZiZi(孜孜,means diligent or hardworking),and MuMu(木木)is one of hottest weblog recently in china ,that blog seems like a style of porn. and cynic. pardon my poor english expression.

Rebecca MacKinnon

Thanks! I stand corrected on that blog title and will fix it right now.


"Chinese people themselves are ultimately responsible for allowing their fellow countrymen to be censored, and that the ultimate solution is going to have to be initiated by the Chinese themselves."

The solid stand that Chinese bloggers seem to be taking is heartening. I believe in them. They are making their voices heard and that will make a difference.

Chiu Yung

Thanks for your excellent translation (the last part) except the source of the original essay. It comes from my web not MSN spaces users who reposted it.


I am in China, and for me, the main problem is that we don't provide enough information about how to surf the Internet without danger to be blocked (proxy servers, anonymouse, etc). Id that information was available for everybody, this problems would not exist.

M Taylor

I see that MSN UK is stopping the comments pages of any story that generates intrest. What's the matter MSN UK haven't you got any BAL+S. They have now stopped me from airing my opinions. They are censoring us in the UK too.

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