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January 24, 2006



I do not think that's something relative to the word "evil". Even Google do not do that, the PRC goverment still is filtering the contents.
So I think it is better for Chinese people to get the high quality service of Google (vs other local company).

Gag Halfrunt

The Guardian in the UK today has a leader about Google and China:

Whether Google might have done better in the long run commercially by keeping to the high moral ground at a time of rapid change in China will now not be known. It has an approach that is more ethical than most, but the multitude of enthusiasts will find it hard to reconcile its mission to provide all information to everyone when there are exceptions for words such as "democracy". It is easy to see why Google is doing this. This does not alter the fact that, sadly and in a significant way, it is not the same company today that it was yesterday.


Just one more example of left leaning hypocrisy. I can't wait to see the apologist drones start spinning this in Google's direction as is already occurring in the one comment to this post. It is easy to hold convictions in a vacuum (meaning, outside the realities of a competitive marketplace, academics make a living of it). It is when those convictions are challenged in the pocketbook that integrity and character present themselves, or rather don't.


I just tried out the new service. I searched democracy "民主” and it came back with the truncated results. The note exlaining that due to local laws and policies, some results were not displayed was pretty prominent, in an italicized font at the bottom of the page. If there was a link to the US-hosted google, I couldn't find it - when I tried to change my search to the whole internet instead of just the chinese internet, it just jumped back to China.
Song (above) is right, though, in the sense that even before introducing this search engine, when googling in China results were censored and many pages were blocked - it is hard to see this as a really new and different development.

Robert Swipe


I know there are concerns about Google conniving at the Chinese govt's censoring of certain sensitive issues but I think there has been some over-reaction in the west. We at The Robert Swipe Show have very close links with China and our daily satirical columns are very widely read there. We have only ever been asked to make the most insignificant and non-contentious alterations to our posts at the Chinese government's request. I mean, let's face it, what's a few wire taps/scrubbed out blogs between trading partners?? Check out our site and see how working closely with Beijing doesn't have to mean sucking up to a vile regime that tortures and subjugates it's people and those of the Kingdom of Tibet:

Love on ya,



I think it's interesting to speculate what might have happened if Google had said no. They might have lost business, at least for now, but they also might have made life more difficult for the Chinese police state, and they would have set an example for other companies. And by drawing attention to censorship and their refusal to participate they might actually have enhanced their own competitiveness in the long run.


The WSJ article quoted at the end of Rebecca's post is available free.


Can someone tell me if censorship applies for search quieries in written in Chinese only? Because I went to the google.cn and did english searches for "democracy", "Falun Gong", whatnot and got all the results i could ever want (Wikipedia was particularly prominent). Or does the censorship only apply if you're searching from within China?


Jonathan, good point, Google could have just catapulted themselves to the highest moral ground among their rivals, and that would have been very good for their business and brand, people would have been talking about it for years ... "Microsoft sold out and helped the PRC do censorship, but Google didn't!" Instead they are trading individual rights for money. How about this for a bumper sticker: "No Blood for AdSense!"


As the editor of Blogger News Network, I have discontinued Google Ads on our site until Google lives up to its alleged corporate values, and I invite other blogs to do likewise.



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