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January 15, 2006



"American public media must engage directly with both public education and the national communictions infrastructure." I think APM should
die. It' an incredible waste of
money. No more govt propaganda machines please.


Good post Rebecca. In the long run, we are the public media, I agree. What is important is not so much that we learn how to think more critically but that we re-learn our role and responsibilities as citizens. It will come.

Kent Bye

Great post.

Have you listened to "Culture, Politics & Buzz" session from the We Media conference yet?

There was an interesting discussion about the trend towards a more siloed and niche culture at the end of the session. The marketers seemed optimistic that youth culture will have 99 different lives, but that there will be people who are able to connect these different hubs.

Farai Chideya chimed in with some interesting thoughts about the role of journalism.

Anyway, great post.


Indian Intelligence Agency - RAW using Media for Propaganda

Indian Intelligence Agency the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) have been trying all the dirty tricks in the book to destabilise Nepalese Government. Indian wants to appoint one of their stooge corrupt politician as Prime Minister of Nepal. RAW has been financing hooligans to stage protest and brick police personnel, disrupt public order. RAW in now using Indo Asian News Service (IANS) to disseminate propaganda against Nepal. Below is the news in Indian newspapers reposted by Sudeshna Sarkar of IANS news agency. Sudeshna Sarkar is RAW agent stationed in Nepal. RAW is an Indian Intelligence Agency. It was the agency used by Indian to fund and train Tamil terrorist in Sri Lanka, and also terrorist in Northwest frontier in Pakistan. This RAW is funding and training Nepalese Moist terrorist also. They have been protecting leaders of the terrorist in their SAFE HOUSE in New Delhi.

Nepal has been largely successful in combating the terrorist after the King imposed direct rule and got ride of corrupt politicians. Indian are not happy and supporting the terrorist so they will have their influence in Nepal.

To disseminate propaganda against Nepal, the RAW agent in Nepal Sudeshna Karkar first publishes story in Nepalese "Jana Astha" infamous weekly paper, and carries that story in IANS news agency and this story is carried by other Indian news papers. "Jana Astha" is publish by Mr. Uttam Shrestha, Mr. Shrestha was previously arrested for black mailing a starlet. He had threatened her that if she did not pay million rupee he will publish her nude picture in his paper. This starlet was unable to pay his huge amount and committed suicide after this paper published her nude picture. Now the RAW is using this infamous weekly for the propaganda, below is the example:

Nepal monarchy's secret plan to undermine opposition
By Sudeshna Sarkar, Kathmandu: Nepal's royal family, forced to hand over power to a democratic government after a mass movement for people's rights in 1990, has been pursuing a secret plan to snuff out the opposition parties and regain control, a media report said Wednesday.

"Jana Astha", a popular Nepali weekly with sources in the army and the palace, said that a group of royalists had helped draw up the secret plan to set the parliamentary parties against one another and impose active rule by the king once again

Excellent comments about the disparity between those with high speed internet access, and those without. T1 internet access offers the best and fastest internet connection.

Bill - DSL high speed internet access

Internet companies in the USA should make their prices more affordable for low income families, say $10 per month. Hence, there would not be a "digital divide" between the "haves" and "have nots."

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