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January 26, 2006



One question...how come the world is currently going mad over the Google story and yet the MSN My Space stuff was largely ignored by print and broadcast media?

I am disappointed in Google. I just thought they were cooler than this.


One thing to test (from inside China): Is Google censoring more or less content than the Great Firewall is blocking? If Google has to censor to do business, wouldn't a logical position be that Google.cn won't list content that is blocked - that way they have a reasonable position from the users perspective (Why list stuff that users can't access), from the government's perspective (If you don't block it, you can't blame us for listing it) and from a "not too evil" perspective (they are providing all the information that the users can access). Along with the message that they've stopped access to some content it might be a reasonable compromise ...

Andrew S

Google would make a better case of not "being evil" if they were to put the disclaimer before the censored search results, so everyone knows that what they're getting is the Chinese government's search results, not Google's standard results.

I write about this further in an open letter to Google.

Actually, I haven't actually met anyone complaining about not being able to look at censored pages in China. People have learned to stay away from these topics anyway and are basically not that interested. If you go to a random internet cafe, university dorm etc. everybody is playing games, chatting on QQ, or occasionally checking out some news, stars, music etc

Don't think the censorship makes sucha big difference. Those who want to are able to access everything by using proxies.


I met Larry & Sergey last year at the WEF- they were on their way to becoming $10b men - but they were cool in a hacker geek kind of way - guys you could hang out with at a taco joint.

But, I fear that our two hobbittses likeses their rings too much - the darkside calls.


Iwrote about this here. The main thing is that Google has a corporate philosophy that is DIRECTLY in opposition to what they are doing. In other words, they can defy the US govt. but not the Chinese govt. You have to ask why... and the answer is the almight yuan.

Gag Halfrunt
Major multinational companies should not be rolling over and playing dead every time some cop picks up the phone and says "boo." Right now most information technology companies operating in China don't even defend the rights and interests of their users to the full extent of Chinese law.
Yahoo Hong Kong rolled over for the Shanghai (IIRC) Public Security Bureau, which doesn't even have any jurisdiction in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Dear Rebecca, but you made a primary mistake by saying "Chinese laws" which is a trap set by the shameless money hogs like yahoo etc. In fact, there is *NO* LAW in China, but only the despot's rules. Rules are not laws. Any person equipped with enough brute force can enforce rules on a group of people, just as how the gangleaders do to control their understrappers. Laws are in the first place social contracts, not to be signed under threats.


flagrant harbour:

I back Google in what it is doing. Lets be clear here. Google is not Amnesty ...


Yes, you can't be more correct! You should back the Gestapo by providing them the cinerator, because you're not Amnesty for the Jewish people. You never are. :)


flagrant harbour: February 8th, 2006 at 6:07 am
I back Google in what it is doing. Lets be clear here. Google is not Amnesty International...


Yes, you can’t be more correct! You should back the Gestapo by providing them the cinerator, because you’re not Amnesty International for the Jewish people. You never are.

And yes, there are worst people than you are, so you’re morally remitted.

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