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February 14, 2006


"One very interesting idea that I’ve been hearing making the rounds is that maybe some kind of new requirements could be imposed on internet companies listing on U.S. exchanges (which now includes a bunch of Chinese companies): that in order to be listed, you can’t engage in creating information barriers or expose user’s data to situations in which human rights violations could be possible. That is a very intriguing idea indeed."

I wonder if so-called ethical investment firms/funds like those who won't buy cigarette companies could also be enlisted.


"move it out of Chinese jurisdiction and thus most likely management, or make it MUCH more clear and obvious to the user (beyond the dense terms of service and user agreement that nobody reads) that their personal data is no more secure on Yahoo!"

The author doesn't understand how web is operated, and quite ignorant.

Any domain with .cn as the end, such as Yahoo.com.cn, has to be operated within China, this is the universal rule. Moving server out of the country, then a block of the url will work.

You make the search more transparent? Who is going to pay for the effort? And at the risk being kicked out of the business every minitue?

Quite an idiot.

Jing Zhao

Last year I went Yahoo!'s shareholders meeting and raised this issue. The CEO spent quite minutes to answer me. This year they sent the meeting notice to me after the meeting!
Furthermore, some of my Chinese alumni running Internet companies in China told me that they expected foreign companies raise this issue to the Chinese government because the Chinese government really listens to foreigners (especially American guys).

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