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October 07, 2006


Black River Eagle

Thanks Rebecca for another very informative post on how the electronic news media and press are struggling to cope with fast-moving changes in technology and equally radical changes in how people consume news and entertainment media.

It is very disturbing to learn that press and media network companies continue to 'downsize' their reporting and editing staff in an age when the demand for up-to-the-minute information seems to be growing exponentially. I couldn't imagine a modern world without the excellent work that key print and video journalists, highly qualified and experienced foreign correspondents and photojournalists and news tech crews do out there around the globe. Combine this with the loss of good correspondents and news teams through violence (death through combat injuries, murder and summary executions) and we've got a real problem here.

Perhaps it is (finally) time that the network and press executives sit down with their journalists and editors and correspondents and support services staffers to figure this whole thing out. Prepare to change and change quickly or prepare to die as a business entitity. Learn to work together and stop working against one another. Give the readers and viewers a voice in the news commentary and reporting and offer them lots of free access to what you publish or transmit.

I thought that we had taken care of this problem back in the 1970's in Guerrilla Journalism 101 class. What happened? Are the MBA's strangling the media business to death or what?

Black River Eagle

Sorry if this is a duplicate comment. Having trouble with your verify applet.

Thanks Rebecca for another very informative post on how the electronic news media and press are struggling to cope with fast-moving changes in technology and equally radical changes in how people consume news and entertainment media.

It is very disturbing to learn that press and media network companies continue to 'downsize' their reporting and editing staff in an age when the demand for up-to-the-minute information seems to be growing exponentially. I couldn't imagine a modern world without the excellent work that key print and video journalists, highly qualified and experienced foreign correspondents and photojournalists and news tech crews do out there around the globe. Combine this with the loss of good correspondents and news teams through violence (death through combat injuries, murder and summary executions) and we've got a real problem here.

Perhaps it is (finally) time that the network and press executives sit down with their journalists and editors and correspondents and support services staffers to figure this whole thing out. Prepare to change and change quickly or prepare to die as a business entitity. Learn to work together and stop working against one another. Give the readers and viewers a voice in the news commentary and reporting and offer them lots of free access to what you publish or transmit.

I thought that we had taken care of this problem back in the 1970's in Guerrilla Journalism 101 class. What happened? Are the MBA's strangling the media business to death or what?

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