I missed this when Roland originally linked to it in December.
Thanks to Roland and Virutal China for the pointer - missed this when it came out in December too. See http://www.virtual-china.org/2007/01/baidus_top_ques.html for selective translation.
"why the keen interest from outside the US in this costly gadget most of the world won’t have access to for quite some time? ... perhaps the more compelling reason is the critical role played by mobile technology in the information landscapes of many co
Asiapundit gives a good roundup of people's experiences with China's still-broken Internet in the wake of the Taiwan earthquake.
"International access to the Internet from Beijing has been poor since January 1, and seems to have gotten worse..."
Andrew's post-new year experience with the broken Internet in China.
"China Mobile (CHL) has issued its corporate responsibility report, the first one ever issued in China's telecommunications industry."
"More proof, if any were needed, that China is not for dilettantes, and the corporate communications crafts are no exception."
"Before, a government would block CNN, for instance. But now it is targeting blogs in Farsi or Chinese or Arabic while the Western media is relatively open. It's the topics that hit close to home that they want to control; locals aren't likely to read CNN