Dan Gillmor calls for "a broad rethinking of journalism education itself."
"One of the most blogged-about political scandals of 2006, it was given fresh momentum with the news last week of Lan Qinghua’s appointment as Deputy Director of the Statistics Bureau for Chongqing Municipality.."
"It should be huge news when two of our European allies demand the arrest of U.S. government agents — but these stories were rapidly superseded on the front pages by news of Anna Nicole Smith..."
"European capitals are wavering over how to approach the final two years of a US administration saddled with inconclusive wars."
"Digg may be worse than Slashdot for commentary. It's a trainwreck reading this stuff."
Mark Glaser ask for your suggestions: "perhaps together we can come up with a list of ways in which newspapers can enter this new age while retaining their goodness"
"Try this on as a new rule for newspapers: Cover what you do best. Link to the rest."
Sun Bin's conclusion upon visiting Hong Kong's cyberport: "So much for HK's cyber dream."
"While the future of foreign reporting may look glum, there may be ways to rethink how news organizations report from overseas." (His ideas include making smart use of good bloggers... hmm... Globalvoicesonlne.org)
"Today, Americans' need to understand the struggles of distant peoples is greater than ever."
"If the past is prologue, we're seeing the tip of a very large iceberg."