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February 22, 2007


Steve Petersen

I wrote in the comment section of my NewAssignment.net post about how news outlets should harness the power of communities that: "While this is a step in the right direction, Reuters simply displays links to posts from African bloggers. Hopefully, the news organization will not simply view this as its way of paying attention to the blogosphere and take it a step further by actually interacting with bloggers themselves."

Am I wrong? Is Reuters doing more with Global Voices bloggers?

Rebecca MacKinnon

No you're not wrong. But just getting to this point where they feel comfortable running links to blogs on a permanent basis was a major undertaking that took over a year. This site breaks new ground but the meeting hall, as it were, has just started construction...

Free Atlast

It's nice to see Reuters and others charting these waters. I can only hope that once these valuable blogs make it past the first hurdle of local censorship, they can penetrate our own epidemic of internet, "Western" censorship and political correctness.

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