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June 10, 2007



FYI, flickr appears to be back. I can see the photo again.

Rebecca MacKinnon

Cool. I guess the voodoo worked!! ;)


one of my favourite website is still blocked in china. it is hitler.org.

I just checked it using:

so the litmus test, will you freedom lovers help to unblock hitler.org? or are you selective (like the censors) to decide which websites to be blocked or not?

the people of china could not read the words of an anti-communist like hitler who once said: "The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight."


communism.org is also blocked by china

Rebecca MacKinnon

MF, aha. Your favorite site is a nazi website eh? Now you have really shown your true colors.

I have never advocated zero censorship by the way. I am against unaccountable, arbitrary censorship that is done in such a way that internet users have no idea what is the decision making process for deciding what gets blocked... and users als have no way to appeal for the unblocking of websites that are not violating any Chinese laws.

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