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July 29, 2007



"Having dented Baidu's growth, Google may find overtaking its Chinese competitor a tougher challenge. Baidu is unlikely to lose the top spot because it has a closer relationship with the Chinese government..."


This is a load of BS crap theory.

I have access to google.com (uncensored version) and Baidu.

Just last night, I was doing some search for Chinese gospel songs on MP3. Naturally, I tried it first on google. Google returned a bunch of junk links that required me to navigate down to several layers of webpages etc. etc.

Baidu on the other hand made the search so easy. I got exactly what I wanted. The downloading process was also easy. A click and I get a pop up to a download link.

So I am now a Baidu convert when it came to searching mp3s for Chinese songs.

Baidu in this case is more superior than Google and has nothing to do with more "closer" relationship with the government.


Interesting piece, but more things are happening inside China. A great book reveals huge inside stories, which I must bring to your attention: China and the new world order: how entrepreneurship, globalization, and borderless business reshape China and the world, by a Chinese journalist named george zhibin gu. It offers really wonderful insights on what is inside China today.

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