"Attention is aggregated differently on the Internet than in traditional media -- blogs and other Web sites with niche audiences are critical to driving traffic to Internet content."
"President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have used demagoguery and fear to quell Americans’ demands for an end to this war."
Excellent how-to for using Yahoo Pipes.
"58 percent of journalists polled said they believed press freedom had deteriorated since the territory's return to Chinese rule on July 1, 1997."
"Mr MacManus started a blog on web technology as a hobby back in 2003. He's now turned that into a full-time job that earns him a comfortable living."
"a couple was seen driving a horse-drawn buggy with what appears to be a homemade cruise missile sitting in the back through downtown Beijing,.."
"Google’s optimistic chief of operations in China says the search giant has matured past the survival stage and now has a new goal: Win. "