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November 11, 2007


Angus Lau

I couldn't make it to the event hosted by Orange and wasn't invited to FooCamp, so thank you so much for summarizing those two events.

The BloggerCon was very exciting though and I got the feeling that almost all of the attendees, both local and foreign, understood much of what was said there, which was another reason why I enjoyed it so much.

BTW, your Mandarin is impressive!


Hi Rebecca. (I'm your long lost HRO stand partner :) I'm fascinated by this topic of bridging between English-language and Chinese-language communities, around areas of common interest. I thought Tim O'Reilly's post was super interesting because it came from the ultimate Valley insider...and shared his POV about going to China and being the outsider. Your coverage seemed to indicate that other local entrepreneurs also seemed to feel like outsiders to this Web 1.0 (hah) event. My team member Min in Shanghai (who met you last year at cnbloggercon) and I have been chatting alot about why there is no opposite to YeeYan, and why is it that Chinese have interest in the English language world far more than the English language world has interest in Chinese content? Or maybe that is not the issue...

Beijing Don

Thanks Rebecca for sharing the videos :)

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