"By 2008 the level of transparency has decreased. While Google’s censorship notification has remained essentially the same as it was in 2006, Yahoo! and Microsoft have altered the way in which users are notified of censorship."
" 本报记者调查发现,十进制网络相关宣传确有不少漏洞。有域名专家指出,它也不会成为中国下一代互联网。中国下一代互联网用的协议是IPv6,并不是“十进制网络”的IPv9。同时,在新闻报
"Today we provide a succinct summary of the events that became known as the Xiamen PX Project (or Incident), for those of you who are less familiar with the unfolding of the incident."
",,,we are greatly dissatisfied with existing analyses that all but fail to heed to the complexities of the event. In particular the internet’s journalistic sphere was awash with frustratingly simplified narratives that told blinkered stories of a “vi
Roland translates essay by Zhang Heci who asks: "So why was the overseas democracy movement so disinterested in the Xiamen affair? And what are they really interested in?"
"China will take a new step Thursday to tighten control of the Internet when rules go into force limiting online video-sharing to state companies. But regulators, wary of hurting a fast-growing industry, are expected to let private operators work around t
"The way communicators dispense information is out of sync with the way consumers use media, according to Media, Myths & Realities 2007, a comprehensive survey of media usage among consumers and communications professionals..."
"...the public is looking inward — relying not on the opinions of others via mediated outlets, but rather on their own experiences and customized needs."
"...real differences between the candidates reflect real differences within the party. Whoever gets the nomination, these differences will remain. It is time for the press, the pundits, the pollsters, and the political scientists to take these issues seri
"...a choice between a once-in-a-generation, transformational candidate who's running parallel to our collective desire to remake the party, and, on the other side, a candidate who represents a species of Democrat that we've traditionally rejected."