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February 02, 2008



Very dissappointed. I wished your headline had encourage Americans to get out and Run for the Presidency instead of just voting. A lot of people in this world can vote, but not many can run for office.

Americans should consider running for the Presidency, not just sit back and vote.

I would instead endorse RON PAUL since I cannot run for the Presidency myself.


"No public relations campaign could do more than Obama's mere presence in the White House to defuse anti-American passion around the world,"

LA times is out of touch. Those of us who were initially against the Iraq war have now turned around and are now supporting the war.

Bush has returned Iraq back to the Shia, who together with the brothers in Iran are now set to reunify and form the future Persian Kingdom of Iran and Iraq.

If you think about it, America had basically fought a proxy war for the Iranians. Now the Iranians can claim victory over the Iran-Iraq war.

I dont' think most people will have a problem with US attacking Iran as well. Most of us are awaiting change, awaiting the old empire to set and looking forward for the dawn of a new era. Go ahead, make my day...we see hope in Bush.

Will Lewis

"Only an idiot or an intellectual could actually believe that." -Tom Wolfe

And, I'm referring to the comments, not anything Ms. MacKinnon wrote about.

The Atlantic, now free online, had a cover story on Obama a little while back that covers much of the same ground: Goodbye to All That: Why Obama Matters. Go Obama!


""Only an idiot or an intellectual could actually believe that." -Tom Wolfe

And, I'm referring to the comments, not anything Ms. MacKinnon wrote about."

Including yours?

william doe

obama is the one who can rule america very well.he is very very educated. he knows about govorment . he read about govment in the school.obama is our choice.

william doe

i am 100persent sure that obama will be the president of america.the world want obama to rule america.people will vote for obama more and more.

william doe

if you are against obama. you will fail.why i said this is that.obama is the only way american can move forword and change.

william doe

dont be dissapointed.america will wote for obama more and more and obama will win .that is 100persent sure .see you and bye

william doe

dont be dissapointed.america will wote for obama more and more and obama will win .that is 100persent sure .see you and bye


If Mc Cain will be your next president, you Americans are really fucked up...

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