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April 07, 2008



FEER - that's a publication I have not read in a long long time.

I want to also point out our expeience in internet censorship in Malaysia - NO CENSORSHIP.

Credit goes to our great beloved dictator Dr. Mahathir who implemented this no-censorship stance. Unfortunately, he seldom gets credit for this by the
Western media. He only gets the bad publicity. Why?


Do you think Google "Don't be Evil"is taking note. I caught this article in the fairfax press (australia) about the possible conflict between privacy and increasing shareholder value:


It raises that age old issue about profits vs. ethics.

Larry Parallelogram

Amazing to see that the TimeWarner empire is openly and threateningly telling its readers that they will hand over user information and details to the police if they feel that the situation warrants this decision. Isn't this what TimeWarner and its media organizations are trying to fight against? How can they get away with saying that they will complicitly put people in danger if they step over the boundaries that have been set by one, or a small group of, journalists? What happened to free speech? Who is setting the boundaries? How can you on one hand, use your media organizations to tell people that it is all right to speak out and then on the other hand put them in danger? It's too bad that Yahoo did not take this position before they sent user information along to the police.

Ture Sjolander

A mirror World Wide Internet construction has to be invented. Radio and Television should be excluded from the original World Wide Internet because it will just create another "one way communication" again for a new generation of TV-watchers. Passiv media slaves!
A kinda international doublecated channel system of Internet can be created completely divided from the corporate, government and massmedia interest. Ans so it will be !!!!


A mirror World Wide Internet construction has to be invented.I want to also point out our expeience in internet censorship in Malaysia - NO CENSORSHIP.Thanks for sharing such a informative post with us.


A kinda international doublecated channel system of Internet can be created completely divided from the corporate, government and massmedia interest. Ans so it will be !!!!Thanks for the great information.

Ecommerce web design

Amazing to see that the Time Warner empire is openly and threateningly telling its readers that they will hand over user information and details to the police if they feel that the situation warrants this decision. Keep bogging.

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