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July 12, 2009


Jason Bear

hey~QQ just updates the security patch like this all the time like Windows since there are lot of PC Troy virus out there in order to steal QQ account because the high value of some QQ number. This picture means nothing actually. I can not tell where is the green dam in this update instruction. It's just the same as it did before. Don't make such rumor without any evidence. Even I hate what the Chinese government has recently done about blocking information in internet and ridiculous green dam. I can not tolerate such rumors without any confirmed evidence.By the way, you can get mac version of QQ, I have use it for 1 year. And yes, I also got QQ in my PC, it haven't block me from anything yet. So I beg you test by yourself before writing. It doesn't hurt to verify if the rumor is real.


"The QQ client only works on Microsoft Windows computers."
There are clients for Linux, Mac and even the Web: http://im.qq.com/qq/all.shtml

About "Green Dam reincarnated in QQ". I seriously doubt it.

1. I never saw any reports that QQ censors for example websites. Green Dam filters everything and anything. It blocks access to sensitive websites, it tries to analyze picture etc. Big difference. I guess even Google filters more than QQ.
2. I'm using QQ and have not seen any popup window asking me to upgrade.

Illuminant Partners

We've instructed our Beijing office to discontinue the use of QQ if the mandatory "upgrade" appears. We will reconsider the use of QQ only after the existence of spyware can be ascertained.


Boxun.com is actually not that popular among overseas Chinese.

However, it is quite popular among Minyuns or FLGs. lol

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