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August 06, 2009



"it may be that the Chinese government intends to discourage the use of courts and China's legal system by the nation's many aggrieved citizens - steering them to other avenues for appeal and dispute-resolution."

Interesting - the SPC has just issued an opinion - Several Opinions Concerning the Establishment of a Sound Conflict and Dispute Resolution Mechanism that Connects Litigation and Non-litigation Proceedings (关于建立健全诉讼与非诉讼相衔接的矛盾纠纷解决机制的若干意见) - ostensibly to take burden off the courts...


心疼 心很痛


You think the ACLU and the EFF gets any respect by the US government?


While I have great respect for those people, characterizing them as non-dissidents is plainly wrong. At least one of them, Teng Biao, is one of the original signers of Charter 08, which advocates radical constitutional reform and overthrow of the one-party rule. If that doesn't qualify as dissident, what does?


They belong in jail. Technically they are foreign agents, paid for and funded by the ilks of NED and similar sources.


pug_ster -

You're a broken record. And a not very interesting one at that. In fact, there are many people in the U.S. government (indeed, the majority) who admire both the ACLU and the EFF. In the end, however, it doesn't matter whether or not they are admired. U.S. civil society, unlike China's, is both vast and tolerant of such groups. The fact that organizations such as Fox News (which, like the ACLU, also exists without too terribly much U.S. govt. interference) and the odd Republican congressman sometimes demonize the ACLU should in no way be taken to mean that such groups are not valuable elements of American society. There is simply no equivalence between the CCP's treatment of Gongmeng and the U.S. government's treatment of the ACLU. Your comparison is a false one.


But I'm pretty sure the US government will start to treat the ACLU very differently if it gets its major funding from the Chinese government (or some Chinese organizations with the tacit consent and support of the government).

Ben Kong

These ideas do not really suit China's situation. China is a big country. Does China really need more lawyers and court cases? More lawyers means more trouble. The main benefit of more lawyers is to rich people who can string things out when they have had their hands in the till. E.G. In 2005, a Britsh academic was killed by a drunk Russian millionaire in a traffic accident. Because of the lawyers and "due process" it has taken four years to bring the legal process to a conclusion. In the meantime the milionaire had already fled back to Russia. Where is the justice? Lawyers ruion everything...

Charles Liu

God, please don't put Peter Guo in the same category as Xu.

Guo accused the police of not only covering up gang rape, but also commitng gang rape and necrophilia.

While the facts show the woman died of ectopic pregnancy.

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