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September 07, 2009



thanks for the update.
Have you noticed the change on 163.com which disable users for support or disapprove a comment?
That is really scary.

Telephone Engineer London

Its good people are thinking foe new registration.It is helpful in country's progress.


I don't think sina and netease require real name to register. see below



Charles Liu

Are you going to mention 1st world country like Germany doing the same thing?


Why i can't find what you mentioned in the report from Johnathan Ansfield - "His interviewees explained the reason why the orders were a tightly guarded "secret," implemented without public announcement or discussion: if they announced it beforehand, public outcry and industry pushback might block implementation altogether."


further more..... many content of your writing mentioned refer to Ansfield, but i can't find it from his report. Very strange, seems you wrote yourself, ANSFIELD wrote another things.

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