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March 14, 2010







It's interesting to see how free speech on the internet and internet freedom in general is becoming a bigger issue. First Chavez says that the internet should be regulated. Then dirtyphonebook comes out and exposes personal information about everybody. Now we're living in an different world. As a relatively young person, it's hard to imagine what the world my kids might inherit will live in.....

Dawn Reel

Internet freedom and the U.S. government are incompatible.

The U.S. government constantly taps its own citizens email, phone and library accounts without our knowledge.

Indymedia.org chapters have been broken into by police and their servers stolen. Activists bought a hosting account outside of the U.S. right before the Republican National Convention in 2004 to prevent this -- but the FBI stole the servers anyways (http://nyc.indymedia.org/feature/display/126066/).

Thousands of activists were illegally arrested at nonviolent antiwar demonstrations at the start of the Iraq war (the biggest such arrest in NYC was: http://ccrjustice.org/ourcases/current-cases/kunstler-v.-city-new-york).

Filming NYPD acting badly is an easy way to get attacked:
- http://carlosmiller.com/2009/04/20/off-duty-nypd-cop-assaults-video-vigilante/
- http://iwitnessvideo.info/

On October 1, 2009 Twitter activists where arrested, their home ransacked and all their computer equipment stolen as part of an ongoing U.S. government crack-down on left political speech and nonviolent expression of dissent. Twitter should be allowed at U.S. protests -- not just Iran!
- http://iwitnessvideo.info/

It is unbelievably hard to hold the U.S. government accountable for violating ones civil or human rights. We should not be promoting legislation that gives the U.S. government more power to oppress us. We need to work through the United Nations or other more accountable organizations. We also need to be active in holding our own city and federal government accountable.

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