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March 25, 2010



I think "TG (The government)" should be TuGong which is a bad name of CCP called by Chinese.


It's becoming commonplace on Western messageboards that anyone who says anything remotely positive about China are instantly labeled as "CCP paid trolls". This kind of kneejerk reaction will only alienate those with moderate views on China. Western media is already biased against China for the most part, now there will simply be more witch hunts against anyone who will attempt to correct the biased western reporting on certain issues.


It goes to show how pathetic your effort is at attempting to understand the Chinese perspective for so readily repeating the ChinaSMACK cherry picked set of comments as the "truth" on the over-all Chinese view.

Spend $20 and hire a college student who can understand Chinese and do a sampling of messages across the major forums in China.

After that, then do a post about the Chinese view on this issue.

But, then, this is not really about a pathetic effort, is it? Its more about finding crap on the Internet which feeds your prejudiced view of the world.

For ordinary Americans, here are couple of short articles that will make you instantly smarter about this Internet censorship issue:



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