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July 29, 2010



There is no question that google and gmail have been acting squirrely in Beijing. On Thursday gmail was timing out (didn't work) and today (July 30)the main google search page wouldn't load for a time.

These are intermittent and feels like someone is "adjusting" the Great Firewall, causing temporary outages.


OMG, poor chinese. Does Google really decide to exit Mainland China fully?

Yurtdışı Eğitim

Google, Google, Google, the word on everyone's tongue at the moment. I wonder how this situation affects google.


Well most of the peoples got disturbed when the Google blocks. But maybe there were some reasons on behind that. Maybe its possible that it was unblock in China.


Lets hope the fundamentals of freedom of information are upheld globally where possible

fred dukas

DOJ Hotwatch secret tracking of citizens


Richard Lewis

I hope everyone got to see Rebecca on C-SPAN's "The Washington Journal" this morning. If not - all is archived for future viewing. Her honest, non-political knowledge and educating manner is rare for such a political program. I, personally, couldn't get pass her pleasant smile. Just listening to her was like reading a fine book that encompassed truth while educating. She was Fabulous.
Richard Lewis
PoDunk, Arkansas (unfortunately)

Rebecca MacKinnon

Aw shucks Richard, I'm blushing.
Thanks so much for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed the show!

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