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December 11, 2011


Red Tulips

I just would like to add one comment. I absolutely do not support Alaa even a little bit. This man is an open supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizballah. It is well documented on his blog. He openly supports the organizations that are in favor of a Holocaust of Jews, literally. Hassan Nasrallah: "If all Jews were to gather in Israel, this would save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."

If you Google Translate Alaa's blog, you will see numerous entries which support this anti-freedom ideology. I do not support those who wish me dead.

Alaa is no freedom fighter. People of good will should not support him. If people like Alaa had their way, they would censor the opinion of those who disagreed with them. That is how it always works in Islamic theocracies.

I earlier sent letters to the Egyptian Embassy to get Alaa out of jail when he was first imprisoned in 2006. Then I was hit by his open antisemitism and terror support. No longer.

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