Happy Blog Day!!!
Today we celebrate the wonders of the growing and very global online conversation. Blog Day founder Nir Ofir suggests we celebrate by recommending five new blogs. But I really want to take this opportunity to give thanks to our tremendously hard-working Global Voices editors - bloggers living around the world who work every day to aggregate and curate conversations coming from the blogs in their regions.
It's amazing to think that one year ago, Global Voices in its current form was only just getting started. A huge hug of thanks (in no particular order) to:
Georgia Popplewell, Regional Editor, Caribbean; Podcast Editor. Her blog is Caribbean Free Radio.
Nathan Hamm, Regional Editor, Central Asia. His blog is Registan.
Veronica Khokhlova, Regional Editor, Eastern & Central Europe; Language Editor, Russian & Ukrainian. Her blog is Neeka's Backlog.
David Sasaki, Regional Editor, Latin America; Language Editor, Spanish. He blogs at Oso, Moreno, Abogado.
Haitham Sabbah, Regional Editor, Middle East & North Africa; Language Editor, Arabic. His blog is Sabbah's Blog.
Oiwan Lam, Regional Editor, Northeast Asia. She blogs at Interlocals.
Preetam Rai, Regional Editor, Southeast Asia. His blog is Betterdays.
Neha Viswanathan, Regional Editor, South Asia. Her blog is Within-Without.
Alice Backer, Language Editor, Francophonia. Her blog is kiskeyAcity.
John Kennedy, Language Editor, Chinese. His blog is Feng37.
Farid Pouya, Language Editor, Persian. His blog is Webgardian.
Jose Murilo Junior, Language Editor, Portugese. His blog is Ecologia Digital.
Sokari Ekine, former Regional Editor, Sub Saharan Africa. Her blog is Black Looks.
Thanks also to all of our fabulous volunteer contributors, listed along the right hand column of the Global Voices front page. We couldn't have done this with out everybody's hard work, links, and passionate belief in the value and importance of calling attention to citizens who are speaking out online all over the world.