I'm going on medical leave today. I am unlikely to return to this blog - to post anything or even to moderate comments - until next month.
So if you post a comment and it never appears, or takes a week to appear, you're not being censored. I'm away.
Since I regularly get e-mails from people who object to my comments moderation policy and who accuse me of censoring, let's just clarify: I always approve all comments unless they contain obscenity, excessive personal attacks or threats. Sometimes things get eaten by the Typepad spam filter. I am not online 24-7 and thus there are delays. I have to moderate comments because if I don't, there will be spam and porn links, and some other occasional nastiness which has no business appearing here. If I didn't moderate comments, another group of people would condemn me for proliferating obscenity and defamation. You can't win.
There have been a lot of things I wanted to write about over the past few weeks related to global media, China, the Internet and the Schizolympics... but I haven't been well enough to do so let alone finish all my other work. Oh well.
Lately I've come across remarks by a couple bloggers around the 'sphere who accuse me (and some other people too) of bias or conspiracy for not writing about this or that. Whatever. I will, however, plead guilty to having major human physical limitations. When I was younger I wished I could be half borg or at least Vulcan or something but no such luck. Maybe in the next lifetime...