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February 11, 2007


Kevin S.

When Google.cn opened up and actually took the time to say that some search query results were censored due to Chinese laws, the response from many users of the Chinese internet was sarcasm: why does Google need to constantly remind users that it is following the law?

While these four lawyers may think it is important that Sina be more transparent, I bet there are many other Chinese internet users who really don't care or even agree with Sina's opaque self-censorship.


China, which has at least 150 million internet users, second only to the United States, is seen as a key prize in e-commerce.
The rise of China presents new economic, political and social realities that demand greater U.S. engagement at every level. As the foundation of that engagement, we urgently need to raise the number of Americans who can demonstrate a functional proficiency in Chinese.
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